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Total Impact Philadelphia 2020: Philadelphia Heroes and New Normal Forum

Hosting Organization: 
ImpactPHL and Intentional Media
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - 12:30pm to Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 6:00pm EDT
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All Philadelphians and those who see the opportunity for Philadelphia are invited to attend the “Philadelphia Heroes and New Normal Forum” happening this May 13th and 14th. This online event will explore what we have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic, and what its social and economic impact means for our community.

The theme of this virtual event is our Heroes. Our local doctors and nurses, police and fire personnel, sanitation professionals, public transit operators, grocery store workers, and other first responders. These Heroes kept us safe and risked their lives for us. They deserve more than our thanks – they deserve a new normal that values every Philadelphian as an important member of our community. But to create that new normal, we need input and collaboration from all members of our community, on behalf of our community, so we can incorporate our collective experience into the design of our future.

We know that life will look a little different post-crisis, and so can our city. And together, we can choose what our community will look like – three months from now, three years from now, and long into the future. But we need your input as we work to envision this new normal for our city.

In addition to these Heroes, this gathering will also include key Philadelphia leaders from all across the spectrum: community leaders, philanthropy and impact investment organizations, local businesses and agencies, and state and local government.

Add your voice to critical discussions about designing Philadelphia’s new normal around these four areas:

- City Infrastructure
- Neighborhood Essentials
- Inclusive Communities
- Intentional Investment

This free event will be hosted online using leading interactive technology to allow attendee networking, breakout sessions, polling, side chats, and visual and digital delivery of our collective knowledge and experience. Following the event, we will publish the “Philadelphia New Normal” report and share it directly with attendees. This report will use the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as an organizing framework to measure progress towards an inclusive and sustainable Philadelphia.

Because Philadelphia is a recognized leader in impact investment – a community committed to investing in businesses and entrepreneurs working to change the world for the better – we are uniquely positioned to make this a better city for everyone. And there is no better time than now, in the wake of the many changes this pandemic has forced us to adopt, to get started. Together, we can leverage our resilience and experiences to make this the best Philadelphia possible.

View the agenda here.

#phillyheroes | #newnormalforum  |  #SDGPHL  

How to Register/RSVP: