Impact100 Philadelphia Awards $420,000 In Eight Grants and Awards
Closing out its 13th grants cycle, Impact100 Philadelphia has announced the award of $420,000 in unrestricted funds to eight nonprofit organizations in the region
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Closing out its 13th grants cycle, Impact100 Philadelphia has announced the award of $420,000 in unrestricted funds to eight nonprofit organizations in the region
The tour will include remarks from Upper Darby Mayor Barbarann Keffer and key local speakers on three different panels focused on workforce development, immigration and advocacy, and community/economic development.
On June 8, the Commerce Department (which oversees the Census Bureau) invited the public to comment on the paperwork associated with the 2020 census. The public has 60 days – until August 7 – to submit comments.
Attend this webinar to learn about sections of the Form 990-PF that present potential risks and vulnerabilities, as well as opportunities to better share your institution's work.
BLBB Charitable, Bucks County Foundation (BCF), and Foundations Community Partnership (FCP) recently announced the award of a $75,000 grant to Souderton-based organization Along the Way.
This guide is designed to help local place-based funders invest quickly in leaders and organizations who are poised to address the threat of political violence around the United States election in 2020.
Arts foundations and nonprofit leaders are increasingly aware of diversity and equity issues in the nonprofit cultural sector. However, despite this awareness, arts funding is getting less equitable, not more. Just 2 percent of all cultural institutions receive nearly 60 percent of all contributed revenue – up 5 percent over a decade. Funding inequities are systemic and local patterns mirror national ones.