Covid-19 Prevention & Response Fund Priority Funding Areas with Examples
Applicants to the fund must address at least one of the following areas:
In-depth education on COVID-19 prevention, vaccine safety and effectiveness, hesitancy and resistance (All information will need to follow either CDC, state health or county health departments) Note: Philly Counts will provide resource materials and trainings.
Example projects/strategies:
- Peer ambassadors; cultivating role models
- Best practices around COVID-19 and after you have received the vaccine
- Science and fact-based information on the pro’s and con’s of the vaccine and COVID-19
- General education of COVID-19 prevention
- Continue to update the community as new information is released
- Host events
- Zoom - large group education
- Small group discussions
- Fun fair activity around COVID-19 prevention
- “Street Level” events led by neighborhood based connectors
- General “Health Fair”
- Doing education sessions for schools and/or houses of worship
- Role model campaigns
- Health literacy classes
- Contact tracing
- Other
Supporting those with barriers gaining access to vaccinations
Example projects/strategies:
- Transportation
- In-language communication for immigrant communities
- Technology support
- Collaboration among groups to increase vaccinations
- Funding organizations who are administering vaccinations for things like - line support, other counseling, registering, etc.
- Stipends for volunteers
- Bring vaccines to where the community members are
- Other
Providing resources, services and vaccine information to those communities experiencing financial, physical and mental health challenges due to or made worse by COVID-19
Example projects/strategies:
- Survival kit - information on financial, mental, physical and spiritual health
- Purchase PPE
- Daily living basics due to virus - food, baby formula, diapers, medications not covered
- Events for children to talk about the pandemic and how they are dealing
- Essential daily necessities often not provided in food pantries: feminine products, toilet paper, toothbrushes/paste, shoes, underpants and socks.
- Other
COVID-19 related outreach, educational, and event promotion campaigns to better inform and activate the community (This priority can be supporting all of the above)
Example projects/strategies:
- Posters and flyers
- Commercials about purpose/value of vaccine
- Marketing the vaccine
- Material costs for posters, door hangers, stickers, lanyards, or other materials for community outreach
- Social media ads
- Includes: supermarkets, pharmacies etc…
- Other