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Resources for Nonprofits

Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia envisions a thriving region where philanthropy, nonprofits, businesses, and government work together closely to achieve lasting impact.

Philanthropy Network does not make grants, provide technical assistance to nonprofits, or match grantseekers with specific funders, but we are pleased to connect the nonprofit community with the valuable resources below.

Common Grant Application

The Common Grant Application (CGA) streamlines the grantseeking process by allowing nonprofits to create one application that can be adapted for multiple funders.

On page 12 you’ll find the list of funders who accept the CGA. Note: The CGA form was last updated in 2010. The list of funders who accept the CGA/CRF is updated on an ongoing basis. It is always advisable to contact a funder before submitting a grant application.

Specific questions about completing the forms should be directed to the funder(s) to whom you are applying. Applications must be sent directly to the organization(s) from which you are seeking funding and SHOULD NOT BE SENT TO PHILANTHROPY NETWORK. We do not make grants or match grantseekers with funding sources.

The Regional Foundation Center

The Regional Foundation Center (RFC) at the Free Library of Philadelphia's BRIC (Business Resource and Innovation Center) houses Philadelphia's largest publicly-accessible collection of print and electronic resources on fundraising, nonprofit management, general philanthropy and institutional advancement. Among the RFC’s offerings are free and low-cost workshops and programs; public access to electronic resources; and a comprehensive collection of print resources on topics including: grant writing, nonprofit management, fundraising, and marketing.

The RFC also provides free access to the Foundation Directory Online Essential—the most comprehensive database of U.S. grantmakers and their grants to help you research potential funders.

Foundation Directory Online Essential is available remotely to RFC patrons. A Free Library card is required to access.  To learn more, check out a short training video on how to conduct a search in Foundation Directory Online Essential or view a recording of the Introduction to FDO Essential workshop the RFC hosted in June 2020.

►Sign up for the RFC's newsletter to get the latest information on nonprofit news, resources and events.

Watch this video from Candid to learn how to use the Foundation Directory to know if a funder is right for you.


Other Nonprofit Support Organizations & Links

The following organizations provide valuable guidance and assistance to individuals and nonprofit organizations.

The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University: The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University offers leadership development, educational programs, consulting services, networking opportunities and job listings to help nonprofits strengthen their management, governance and operations.

The Catalyst Center for Nonprofit Management: The Catalyst Center is a management consulting and training firm working with nonprofits to improve their effectiveness through private consultation as well as through their Nonprofit Management Training Series. 

Compass Philadelphia: Compass provides highly personalized strategic, pro bono consulting services to local nonprofits.

CultureWorks Greater Philadelphia offers an alternative approach to nonprofit management. Through their fiscal sponsorship program, they empower culturally focused teams to expand their impact-driven work. They also provide an affordable, creative coworking space in Center City and produce professional development opportunities to strengthen nonprofit leadership across the community.

Discover State Grants - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:  The discovery tool allows users to search for, sort, and filter information about grants based on the type of applicant, category, application deadline, location, and other criteria. The search results include links to each program, key dates and deadlines, eligibility criteria, and where to apply.

Nonprofit Repositioning Fund: The Nonprofit Repositioning Fund supports long-term, strategic alliances and collaborations between nonprofits to build organizational sustainability and improve program and service delivery across the five-county Greater Philadelphia Region. 

Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute at Bryn Mawr College: NELI offers cohort-based training to cultivate individual leadership growth and organizational capacity building through skills-based learning.

Margaret R. Grundy Memorial Library Nonprofit Resource Center (NRC): The Nonprofit Resource Center (NRC) is a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center. As a network partner, the NRC provides visitors with free public access to grantmaker directories, books on fundraising, proposal writing and nonprofit management, as well as the Foundation Center’s electronic databases.

The Bucks-Mont Collaborative: The Bucks-Mont Collaborative is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to fostering information and resource sharing, dialogue, and collaborative action that produce results-oriented impact on health and human services issues in Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

Association of Fundraising Professionals - Greater Philadelphia Chapter: The Association of Fundraising Professionals offers networking and learning opportunities for fundraisers and other nonprofit professionals. 

Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations: PANO is the statewide membership organization serving and advancing the nonprofit sector through advocacy, collaboration, education and other services in order to improve the overall quality of life in Pennsylvania.

PennPAC: PennPAC’s mission is to mobilize University of Pennsylvania alumni to strengthen nonprofits. They offer customized, pro bono consulting to nonprofits in areas including: Strategic analysis and growth planning; Marketing, messaging and communications strategies; Program analysis; Accounting and finance review; and Funding strategies, including earned income opportunities.  This website created by the Cheshire Law Group in 2023 offers high-quality, state-specific legal tools and resources for the day-to-day and strategic needs of Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations. (Please note: Resources are for educational purposes only; organizations should always consult legal counsel with experience representing nonprofit organizations for advice and assistance with their legal matters.)

The Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF): The Nonprofit Finance Fund has provided financial and advisory services to nonprofit organizations in the Greater Philadelphia area since 1994.