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2018 Capacity Builders Conference: Re-envisioning our Field

Hosting Organization: 
Alliance for Nonprofit Management
Friday, October 12, 2018
9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Hartford, CT
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The 2018 Alliance for Nonprofit Management Annual Capacity Builder’s Conference is a one-of-a-kind, opportunity for capacity builders of every kind (consultants, coaches, funders, academics, executives etc.) to convene, dialogue, learn, shape and advance our field for the good of the nonprofits and communities we serve.

The three-day event includes presentation opportunities with local nonprofits, work-sessions for our Affinity & Interest Groups, twenty-plus sessions curated for capacity builders by capacity builders, thought provoking plenary sessions.

This year’s full-conference rate will also include tickets to a gala celebration Thursday evening to recognize the Alliance’s 20th Anniversary and to honor leaders in our field.  

Their 2018 theme is "Re-envisioning Our Field: Advancing Racial Equity and Leading Innovation in Capacity Building." We believe this is a critical time for our field to reflect, to learn together, and to consider how our work should evolve to address racial inequities in our society. From amplifying emerging approaches to reflecting on research and exploring its implications for practice, they invite you to register now and plan to bring your perspectives, experiences, and energy to our annual convening

How to Register/RSVP: