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2018 Media Impact Forum

Hosting Organization: 
Media Impact Funders
Thursday, May 10, 2018
9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Philadelphia, PA
The American Philosophical Society | Benjamin Franklin Room | 427 Chestnut St. | Philadelphia PA
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SC2: Science Comunications & The Science of Communications

Note: This is a funders-only event.

Each year, the Media Impact Forum brings funders from across the country together with pathbreaking media makers and analysts to share insights about the field’s most influential projects and trends. The gathering offers media presentations and dialogue, and the chance to network with your peers to deepen learning and spark collaboration.

This year's Media Impact Forum will focus on two distinct but related topics: excellent practice in the communication of scientific information, and new ideas in the science of communications.
We could not find a better venue for this exploration–the American Philosophical Society–our nation’s original learned society.  From its earliest days, the American republic has relied on scientific inquiry to propel our nation forward, in all facets of our life–in commerce, national defense, social policy and creative expression, among many other areas. This forum will help philanthropy focus on the special role of science in our national debates, the importance of sharpening the communication of science, and broader issues about how to understand when communications and storytelling make a difference.

Speakers we will be hearing from include:

As a special treat, Media Impact Forum participants will be invited to a sneak preview of the exciting new film Inventing Tomorrow by Laura Nix, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival this year. Inventing Tomorrow captures the ingenuity of high school scientists from around the globe who are driven to solve urgent environmental issues in their own communities.


How to Register/RSVP: