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2018 Trustee Education Institute

Hosting Organization: 
National Center for Family Philanthropy
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 - 9:00am to Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 5:00pm EST
Washington, DC
Pew Charitable Trusts Conference Center | 900 F Street NW | Washington, DC 20004-2008
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NCFP's Trustee Education Institute provides a comprehensive introduction to all of the key legal, investment, ethical, grantmaking, and family dynamics issues facing family foundation board members. Featuring a faculty made up of NCFP's senior staff and highly respected philanthropy experts, this three day, intensive seminar will cover:

  • What does it mean to be a steward of both the public’s trust and your family’s legacy?
  • How do you bring your personal giving identity to the foundation’s collective grantmaking?
  • What are the qualities and responsibilities of effective trustees and exceptional boards?
  • How do you navigate family dynamics at the board table?
  • What essential legal rules do you need to know, and what are the more difficult ethical issues you may confront over time?
  • How can you grow into a leader for your family’s philanthropy and get the most from this truly special opportunity?

This 3-day interactive seminar is focused on current and prospective family foundation board members.  For full agenda, click here

How to Register/RSVP: 

For more information about the seminar and registration details, click here.