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Afternoon Workshops & Roundtable Chat Sessions

Workshop Track #1: Innovation
Impact Matters: Communicating Funding & Program Impact to Your “Community” -- Columbus Ballroom A
Communicating broadly about impact via data and storytelling is essential to sustaining funding and advancing program goals. However, for many organizations, this communication is often focused on a few audiences and not inclusive of key internal and external stakeholders -- staff/employees, executive leadership, board members, suppliers, partner organizations, donors, government, media, etc. During this session, participants will work in small groups to identify their “community” of target audiences and ideal communication channels, and how to leverage them to better communicate about overall funding and program impact. Sponsored by Comcast 

Dawn Frisby Byers, Sr. Director of Content & Engagement, Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Seth Klukoff, Vice President, Thought Leadership, Equal Measure
Carniesha Kwashie, Director, Job Opportunities Investment Network (JOIN)United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
Kelly Lyons, Senior Associate, Geneva Global 

Workshop Facilitator: Mariah Casias, Social Impact Fellow, Funder Education, The Center for High Impact Philanthropy

Workshop Track #2: Equity
Equity in Action: Equitable & Community-Centered Development of Public Spaces -- Columbus Ballroom B
Public spaces are critical to strengthening the fabric of neighborhoods and when centered in the community of all members and potential users, they can be powerful examples of equity in action. In this workshop, presenters and participants will focus on expanding the definition of public spaces beyond parks and playgrounds; re-establishing the notion of their collective ownership; examining the inherent, hidden biases around the creation of public spaces; and exploring new ideas for investing in public spaces. Sponsored by William Penn Foundation

Nigel Charles, Director of Donor Organizing, Bread & Roses Community Fund
Cara Ferrentino, Program Officer, William Penn Foundation
Maria Gonzalez, President/CEO, HACE
Aviva Kapust, Executive Director, The Village of Arts and Humanities
Workshop Moderator: Paige Carlson-Heim, Director, TD Office of Charitable & Community Giving/TD Charitable Foundation

Workshop Track #3: Policy
Convening “Community” to
Advocate, Influence Policy and Support Program Goals -- Columbus Ballroom C
The pursuit of better public policy is key to achieving program goals for funders and nonprofits. With the support of presenters, workshop participants will discuss and explore answers to the question: “How can advocacy be used to maximize the impact of programs and philanthropy?” Small group work will provide a practical opportunity for participants to reflect on their organizational advocacy assets; brainstorm actionable advocacy tactics; and identify opportunities for collaborative advocacy with their community.

Joanne Craig, Vice President for Programs, The Foundation for Delaware County 
Michelle Legaspi Sanchez,
Executive Director, The Chester County Fund for Women & Girls
Ann Torregrossa, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative
Alix Mariko Webb, Executive Director, Asian Americans United
Workshop Facilitator: Robin Rifkin, Meeting Intentions


Roundtable Chats sponsored by:
Date & Time: 
Thursday, October 31, 2019
1:20pm - 2:20pm EDT