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2020 Media Impact Forum

Hosting Organization: 
Media Impact Funders
Tuesday, June 2, 2020 12:30pm EDT
Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice
320 E. 43rd St., New York, NY 10017
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Media Impact Funders has been hosting the Media Impact Forum since 2013 with the purpose of bringing funders together to network, deepen learning and spark collaboration. This is special because funders of journalism, documentary and other media seldom cross paths in their everyday work. The Forum provides a wonderful opportunity to come together for a day of inspiring media presentations and to stay up to date on current trends, issues and opportunities facing the field.

The 2019 Forum paid special attention to philanthropy's role in creating and sustaining crucial connections with communities through new and innovative radio and audio projects. And in 2018, the event focused funders' attention to the special role of science in our national debates, the importance of sharpening the communication of science, and broader issues about understanding how and when communications and storytelling make a difference.

The 2020 Forum will focus on philanthropy's role in amplifying media's efforts to address this increasingly urgent global crisis. The media, for its part, has an incredible opportunity to give the topic more prominence in political debates, the 2020 presidential election, and beyond. And philanthropy can play a pivotal role in shifting behavior and awareness. Regardless of your programmatic focus, MIF belives climate change must now be a through-line for all of our work moving forward. 

Members: $250
Non-members: $300

Please note: This is a funders-only event.

How to Register/RSVP: 

CLICK HERE for further event details and registration information.