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DAY 3 CONCURRENT SESSION | Leveraging The Many ‘Gifts’ That Come From A Modernized Grantmaking Process

The sector is evolving at a breakneck pace - the way funders engage, the way funders think and the way funders give. Understanding the grantmaking fundamentals through a DEI lens and amplifying its impact through emerging tech offerings will ensure continued high impact giving, strengthen funder and fundee relationships and leverage a trove of quality data that can help make for more effective service delivery.

Through this session, participants will:

  • Understand how technology and the automation of the grantmaking process can make it more fair, effective and inclusive for all.
  • Be introduced to the new tech set to revolutionize grantmaking.
  • Hear about new research and movements in the field that is focused on improving the grantmaking process & tangible ways you can get involved.
Date & Time: 
Friday, October 8, 2021
9:30am - 10:25am EDT