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What a Trusted Partnership Really Means?
Led by Andrea Foggy-Paxton, Senior Director, Frontline Solutions; James Điền Bùi (he/him), Senior Consultant, Frontline Solutions, and Colin de Paor, Consultant, Frontline Solutions

Join us for a candid dialogue on how to build a trusted partnership - between funders and nonprofits . This session will begin with an overview of the Philanthropy Network's strategic transformation process and will lead into a discussion on trust - the foundation of a good partnership. A trusted partnership implies that all parties can be open and honest in dialogue, and that the relationship works to the benefit of all. Our goal is to facilitate a conversation around why trust is paramount to a strong partnership and to unearth some strategies we can use in the context of the Philanthropy Network to further build trust among partners, cohorts, and allies in our sector.

Essential Collaborations in Social Philanthropy
Led by Khary Atif, MSS,MLSP, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, International Secretary Groove Phi Groove SFI, Past Master Pride of Ethiopia Lodge #104 and PRINCE HALL Shriner

Join us for an enlightening discussion on the importance of Essential Collaborations in Social Philanthropy. This session will delve into the importance of congressional cohesion amongst  funders, grassroots organizations and community leaders to restore comradery within the Greater Philadelphia region.  We will begin with highlighting cultural competency, mindset shift, community collaboration, and the ecology of social giving.

Session participants will be asked to complete a short survey at the opening of the presentation to gauge who's in the room - funders, community members, non profit organizations. We will then commence with an in depth analysis of ecological approaches, cooperative functioning then break into various breakout rooms where we can have candid discussion about thoughts, feelings and solutions.

Lean on Me: Maintaining network-wide collaborative momentum
Led by Edurne Irizarry, Program Officer, Philadelphia Foundation and Meg Long, Social Change Strategist and Advisor

Join this focus group style session to celebrate regional collaboration over the past 18 months and provide insights and recommendations for future areas of shared action. Session participants will hear a brief case study about a successful collaboration and will be asked to reflect on two core questions:

  • What can we do together or what should we focus on to continue this collaborative momentum? And,
  • What types of supports do we need as a membership and as a region to help make this happen?

Join us as we “Lean on one another” and co-create a vision for collaboration across our region and membership!

Bridging the Achievement Gap
Led by Tarrell Davis, Early Childhood Program Director at Settlement Music School and Dr. Ellie Brown, Professor of Psychology in the College of the Sciences and Mathematics at West Chester University

Achievement gaps are persistent disparities in measures of educational performance among subgroups of students, especially groups defined by socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity and gender. Settlement Music School’s Kaleidoscope Preschool Arts Enrichment Program addresses the issue at the beginning of a child’s academic journey.  What else needs to be done?

Date & Time: 
Friday, October 8, 2021
10:50am - 11:30am EDT