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28th Annual "This Year in Nonprofit Law"

Hosting Organization: 
Montgomery McCracken
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
9:00am - 3:45pm EST
Montgomery McCracken
1735 Market Stree, 5th Floor Conference Center | Philadelphia, PA 19103-7505
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Nonprofit Issues® and the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery McCracken will present the 28th annual "This Year in Nonprofit Law" on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 in the firm's new Philadelphia office at 1735 Market Street.

Sidney HargroSidney Hargro, Executive Director of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, will provide the keynote address on "Mission-aligned Investing."

Hargro believes that by collaborating and co-investing, philanthropy can increase its ability to contribute to the civic life and leadership of the region and tackle complex issues that no one entity can address alone.

Philanthropy Network has taken the lead in convening and connecting stakeholders in philanthropy and across sectors. We'll discuss philanthropic initiatives currently underway to incubate, innovate and collaborate for greater impact.

We will begin the morning with our panel of lawyers who deal with nonprofit legal issues every day reviewing the most important legal developments for nonprofits during the last year.

The first round of afternoon breakout sessions will include:

  • Critical Policies for Nonprofits: Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Document Retention, Confidentiality and Others
  • Employment Law Update

The second round will feature:

  • Ethical Issues for Nonprofit Lawyers and Executives
  • Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Cyber Security 

The program will provide 5 hours of continuing legal education credit for Pennsylvania lawyers, including an hour of ethics credit for those attending the ethics session, and 5 hours of CPE for Pennsylvania accountants. Lawyers wishing CLE credit in other states will be given a certificate of attendance for this PACLE-approved program. Credits will be provided at no extra charge.

Participants will receive a new or renewed one-year subscription to Nonprofit Issues®, plus program materials. 

How to Register/RSVP: 

The registration fee is $165, but additional registrants from the same organization may attend for only $100. Unlike previous years, there is no separate charge for CLE or CPE credit. You will receive a light breakfast, lunch and materials. 

Register here