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34th Annual Members' Meeting

Thursday, March 31, 2022
3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
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Network Members: 

This event is open to staff, trustees and board members of Philanthropy Network member organizations.

Please join your Philanthropy Network friends and colleagues online on Thursday, March 31st for the 34th Annual Members' Meeting.

This year's agenda will feature:

  • Top takeaways from the 2022 Pulse Survey, which captured information about your current giving practices and priorities, and how they compare to last year’s survey results.
  • An update on our Strategic Transformation Initiative, including discussion of our aspirational North Star statement (view on this page) and key findings from a benchmarking scan conducted by our strategy consultants at Frontline Solutions. Following the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in breakout discussions to reflect on what you’ve heard and provide your feedback.
  • An overview of our new Made to Measure initiative, a two-year project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support the development of an interactive digital platform to facilitate more equitable and effective giving in Greater Philadelphia

North Star Statement

We will assess and define our role in advancing a thriving and connected social impact ecosystem that is committed to anti-racist, anti-oppressive operations, practices and actions across all priorities to dismantle white supremacy, the root cause of systemic racism and the disparities experienced in our communities today.

We do this in pursuit of liberation for Black and Indigenous, and People of Color with attention to intersectionality within those identities.

Meeting resources


North Star and Strategic Transformation

Made to Measure Initiative



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