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Ace in the Hole: Bringing Together our Learnings on the ACE Act

Hosting Organization: 
Independent Sector
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
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Thi session is part of a special Independent Sector convening series, ACE-ing Sector Understanding of Philanthropy Reform and the ACE Act.

This is the fourth in a series of convenings with social sector leaders exploring questions around philanthropy reform and recent proposals in the Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act (ACE Act) of 2021. It is designed to better understand existing data and dialogue around these issues and then hear from other leaders about how the sector should be approaching these policies.

This legislation focuses on private foundations and the regulation of donor-advised funds (DAFs), a charitable giving vehicle. This session will go in depth and draw from information shared at the previous three convenings, and focus on what all of this means, lessons learned about this potential reform, and questions that still need to be asked.

If you’re new to the topic, check out IS's bill summary and recent blog post for a higher level overview. Also, for more information about the ACE Act, visit Educational Resources: ACE Act and Philanthropy Reform on the Independent Sector resources page.

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