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Adversity & Resilience: The Impact of Immigration on Children and Families

Hosting Organization: 
Children’s Crisis Treatment Center and The Scattergood Foundation
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Philadelphia, PA
WHYY | Independence Mall West | 150 N. 6th Street | Philadelphia, PA 19106
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Toward the aim of further creating a welcoming city for immigrants, this event will explore immigration with an emphasis on individual, family and community protective factors.
Particular focus will be placed on examining both the adversities and resiliencies associated with the immigrant experience and using this knowledge to promote strengths-based, trauma-informed approaches.

8:30 AM // Breakfast & Networking
9:30 AM// Philadelphia's Immigrants: Past & Present, Dr. Rona Buchalter
10:45 AM // Keynote Speaker, Dr. Maryam Kia-Keating

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Maryam Kia-Keating
Dr. Kia-Keating is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology in the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Dr. Kia-Keating focuses her work around coping and resilience in the context of experiences of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma, and stress, particularly for refugees and immigrants. Her research aims to better identify the cultural, developmental, protective, and promotive factors and processes that explain both risk and resilience in the face of high-risk environments.

Speaker: Dr. Rona Buchalter
Dr. Buchalter is the Director of Refugee Programming and Planning at HIAS Pennsylvania, where she oversees the initial refugee resettlement program as well as a variety of other refugee-serving programs. Dr. Buchalter received her Master's and PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, with a focus on urban studies, and a Bachelor's in Communication Studies and Political Science from Northwestern University in Chicago.

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