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All In this Together: Public-Private Partnerships to Support Our Undocumented Neighbors

Hosting Organization: 
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)
Friday, May 22, 2020
1:00pm - 2:15pm EDT
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As COVID-19 takes a toll in communities across the country, government and philanthropic leaders have joined forces at the city, county, and state level to provide direct cash assistance and other key resources to immigrants ineligible for federal relief and unemployment benefits. Learn about how these public-private partnerships were formed and how they are structured.  Understand how they are leveraging expertise and resources to address urgent needs and lay the groundwork for long-term equitable recovery and rebuilding.  


  • Judge Lina Hidalgo, Harris County, Texas (invited)
  • Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Harris County Texas (invited)
  • Kathleen Kelly Janus, Senior Advisor on Social Innovation to Governor Gavin Newsom
  • Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, New York City
  • Daranee Petsod, President, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
  • Open Society Foundations

Moderator: Carolyn Wang Kong, Chief Program Director, Blue Shield of California


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