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Being a Better Board Member: Basic Nonprofit Corporate Governance

Hosting Organization: 
Business Resource & Innovation Center
Thursday, March 8, 2018
5:30pm - 8:00pm EST
Philadelphia, PA
Free Library of Philadelphia - Parkway Central | 1901 Vine Street -Skyline Room | Philadelphia, PA 19103
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What are your fiduciary duties as a nonprofit board member, and how do you fulfill them? What are your obligations and proper roles when serving as the member of the governing board of a charitable entity? 

How can you best assist with strategic decision-making and organizational growth without getting in the way of staff? What policies and discussions can the board have to facilitate legal compliance and best practices?

This program will review the basic fiduciary duties applicable to nonprofit board members with an emphasis on the important role that each board member can play to effect good corporate governance.  We will provide examples of how the traditional fiduciary duties of care, loyalty, and obedience can be adequately discharged – or may be inappropriately violated.  After a summary of applicable Pennsylvania and federal law, a panel of nonprofit CEOs will discuss some of their best and worst experiences recounting how good board members can help, and bad board members can hinder, achieving charitable goals.


Sara Woods: CEO of Philadelphia Futures
Steveanna Wynn: CEO of SHARE 
Michael Vogel: former CEO of Turning Points for Children and the Turning Points for Children Charitable Foundation


5:30 – 6:30 PM Registration and networking
6:30 – 6:55 PM Welcome, introduction, governance and fiduciary duties overview
6:55 – 7:50 PM Panel discussion
7:50 – 8:00 PM Q&A

This program is co-sponsored by the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Regional Foundation Center, the Junior League of Philadelphia, and Conley Fleming LLP.

How to Register/RSVP: