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Black Leadership: Navigating Executive Transitions in Historically White Led Institutions

Hosting Organization: 
Equity in the Center
Monday, April 4, 2022
2:30pm - 6:00pm EDT
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This webinar for multi-racial participants aims to disrupt the ways anti-Blackness shows up in organizations and communities.

As many organizations grapple with executive transitions where a person of color,  especially an incoming Black leader, is succeeding a white leader, there is growing  discussion on “glass cliffs”: the phenomenon where leaders of color inherit  organizational challenges where the risk of failure is high. These situations typically  require equitable, enlightened, and often untested governance practices from Boards;  resilient, inclusive and accountable leadership from the new executive; and an  organizational culture that is actively working to dismantle anti-Black racism. 

Desired outcomes: 

A follow up to the Building Black Power workshop, this 3-hour workshop aims to:

  • Enhance understanding of how anti-Blackness impacts Black leadership  regardless of positional authority, in the form of Board micromanagement,  staff microaggressions, undercompensated (extra or hidden) labor, uneven  standards vis-a-vis previous leadership, as well as a lack of readiness to lean  into constructive performance feedback for the new leader 
  • Reflect on organizational and leadership practices that make for more  successful executive transitions, meaningfully support Black leadership, reckon  with past harm, and center accountability to communities at the heart of the  organizational mission, regardless of role and identity
How to Register/RSVP: 

This session is for boards and executive-level leaders seeking to understand how anti-Blackness impacts Black leadership regardless of positional authority.

More about pricing and registration here.