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Bridging the Gap: Grantee Perspectives on Intermediary Funders

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Effective Philanthropy
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
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As use of and support for intermediary organizations – a term which refers to many kinds of entities that regrant philanthropic dollars – has grown in recent years, a new CEP report reveals that grantee experiences with intermediaries are not very different from their experiences with “originating” funders.

In this webinar, members of CEP’s research team will present data from this first-of-its-kind study of grantee perspectives on intermediaries before joining a conversation about the strengths and opportunities of these organizations. Moderated by Stephanie Beasley of The Chronicle of Philanthropy, we’ll hear perspectives from both sides of the intermediary-grantee funding relationship and invite open conversation about the possibilities and limitations of funding through intermediaries.

  • Elisha Smith Arrillaga, Ph.D., Vice President, Research, CEP
  • Emily Yang, Senior Analyst, Research, CEP
  • Pam Foster, Chief Operating Officer, Co-Impact
  • Jess Gutfreund, Chief Implementation Officer, Birth Center Equity
  • Monique Miles, Vice President, Aspen Institute
  • Stephanie Beasley, Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Philanthropy (Moderator)
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