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CDFIs are the Onramp to Investing Locally with Impact, Even for Small Investors

Hosting Organization: 
ImpactPHL and Impact for Breakfast
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
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No longer do you need big money to be the catalyst for meaningful environmental and social change in your community. This month ImpctPHL will feature a discussion on how small investors can put their money to work in the neighborhoods where they live. Panelists will explain how to convert the low interest-bearing non-impact creating investment instruments that they currently hold into ones that put a priority on enriching their underserved communities, including the funding minority and female entrepreneurs and the building of affordable housing, while at the same time providing a fixed rate of return on their underlying investment.

To lead this discussion, ImpactPHL welcomes Daniel Betancourt, President and CEO of the Community First Fund, Amy Cortese, Senior Editor at ImpactAlpha and author of the book, Locavesting, and Pam Porter, Managing Partner at Stepping Stone. Following their presentation, presenters will engage in a wide-ranging question and answer period with attendees.

Who should attend this webinar?
High net worth individuals, family offices, endowment/foundation leadership, investment professionals, pension fund trustees, nonprofit leaders, and anyone interested in broadening their investment horizons.

How to Register/RSVP: