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Clean Water for Community Health and Justice

Hosting Organization: 
Biodiversity Funders Group
Monday, April 16, 2018
3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
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Cosponsored by the Biodiversity Funders Group, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, and Health and Environmental Funders Network
These are turbulent times, but some important progress is being made. New alliances across issues and geographies are forming and strengthening around the nation. The Clean Water for All Coalition brings together advocacy organizations with diverse backgrounds, from all levels of interest to protect and strengthen federal protections and funding for clean drinking water and healthy waterways. Likewise, the Health & Environmental Funders Network’s (HEFN) Drinking Water Group is an informal group of funders that is interested in improving children’s and communities’ environmental health, through a focus on access to safe, affordable, accessible drinking water, and continuing efforts to elevate philanthropic attention to drinking water issues.

Please join us for a conversation with colleagues and representatives of the Clean Water For All Coalition, HEFN Drinking Water Group and other groups for a review of the latest progress and targets for action to protect clean drinking water and healthy waterways for everyone.

Speakers include:

  • Nathan Boon, Program Officer, The William Penn Foundation
  • Amy Panek, Senior Program Officer, Park Foundation
  • Rosemary Enobakhare, Campaign Director, Clean Water for All Coalition
  • Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, Executive Director, Children’s Environmental Health Network, and Clean Water for All Coalition Steering Committee member


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