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Community Heart & Soul: Engaging Residents through the Humanities to Find What Matters Most

Hosting Organization: 
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
Monday, November 6, 2017
1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
Conference Call
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Pennsylvania Humanities Council and Orton Family Foundation staff and their partners will present "Community Heart & Soul: Engaging Residents through the Humanities to Find What Matters Most" at the Annual Conference of the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association later this month.

Can't make the conference session? This webinar will recap it!

Styled as a digital workshop, the webinar explores why the humanities are relevant to planning and outlines Community Heart & Soul®, a community development model that builds stronger, healthier, and more economically vibrant small cities and towns. You'll hear success stories from Pennsylvania Heart & Soul® projects in Carlisle, Williamsport, and Meadville and take part in exercises that illustrate Heart & Soul in action.

Those who participate in either the October 24 conference session OR the November 6 webinar will be eligible to apply for the next round of Pennsylvania Heart & Soul planning grants.


  • Mimi Iijima serves as Director of Programs and Special Projects at the Pennsylvania Humanities Council and has been leading PHC's work to bring Community Heart & Soul to Pennsylvania cities and towns.
  • Zach Norwood is Planning Director, Crawford County Planning Office. He is also a member of the leadership team for a Community Heart & Soul project in Meadville.
  • Andrew Sheaf is Local Government Policy Specialist at the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.
  • Fran Stoddard, moderator, is a Communications Consultant with the Orton Family Foundation. Fran produced and hosted a popular interview show on Vermont Public for more than a decade. She frequently serves as moderator for community events and has served on numerous non-profit boards.
  • Leanne Tingay is Senior Associate of Programs at the Orton Family Foundation. She has an extensive background in community revitalization, including work as Director and CEO of Erie Downtown Improvement District. In Warren, Pennsylvania, she was Executive Director of Warren Main Street.
  • Alice Trowbridge is Regional Project Coordinator for Susquehanna Greenway Partnership. She is also co-director of a Community Heart & Soul project in Williamsport
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