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COVID-19 Check-Up – Assessing Response and Planning Recovery

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Thursday, June 10, 2021
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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After 18 months, COVID-19 has taken a devastating toll on communities worldwide: 159 million cases and 3.3 million deaths, with numbers rising quickly every week. Health care systems around the world have been stretched beyond capacity. Lockdowns have impacted every sector of society, including arts, education, employment, nutrition, supply chain systems and transportation. U.S.-based non-governmental organizations alone lost nearly a million jobs in 2020. Additionally, COVID-19 has highlighted the pre-existing inequities across race, class, gender, family status and other identities.

The latest available data shows that grantmakers and high net worth donors have given almost $23 billion in response funds. Although the amount is staggering, has philanthropy done enough to respond to meet immediate needs?

And even as the pandemic continues and relief efforts continue worldwide, philanthropy also needs to turn its eye to recovery.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) is hosting a webinar to look at the current status of COVID-19 and dream about the future. They will answer questions such as:

  • Will we ever be “post-COVID-19”? And if so, what will that world look like?
  • Are we making progress toward recovery, and is it equitable?
  • What is happening outside of the U.S.? How can communities heal from mass devastation and disruption?
  • How does the nonprofit sector recover?
  • ow can funders stay engaged throughout the next few years as the world rebuilds?

Speakers Arisha Hatch from Color of Change, Dr. Judy Monroe from the CDC Foundation and CDP's Sally Ray will discuss ongoing response efforts, share their visions for equitable recovery, and explore what funders can do now and throughout the next few years as the world rebuilds.

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