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COVID-19 year four: Implications for philanthropy

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Thursday, January 12, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
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As we begin year four of coping with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy is hosting a webinar to help grantmakers consider how to embed ongoing pandemic responses within their normal operations.

Moderated by CDP’s President and CEO, Patty McIlreavy, the panel will discuss how COVID-19 changed the giving landscape over the past three years and explore future needs. Speakers will discuss the difficult nature of the intersection of COVID-19 with disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies, as well as the positive trends that emerged because of the high needs stemming from the pandemic. They will also explore the damage that COVID-19 wrought beyond the immediate morbidity and mortality, including poverty, hunger and mental health.

At the end of the webinar, grantmakers will:

  1. Be aware of the philanthropic trends stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Increase their knowledge of pandemic planning in a philanthropic context.
  3. Consider their plans moving into year four of the pandemic and the need to address root cause issues.

While primarily aimed at funders, this webinar may also be of interest to emergency managers, academics, disaster responders and NGO staff interested in or working on disasters and other crises.

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