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Cybersecurity Best Practices for Foundations: Tools, Policies, and Training Staff

Hosting Organization: 
Council of New Jersey Grantmakers
Thursday, October 1, 2020
11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
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Cyber criminals are taking full advantage of the opportunity to attack under-protected organizations when they are most vulnerable. The FBI reports an average of 3,000 - 4,000 cybercrimes per day since the start of the pandemic -- an astonishing increase from the average of 1,000, pre-COVID-19. To help keep your foundation and grantee partners safe from cyber attacks and equipped to work from home for the long-term, we've organized a comprehensive webinar event. 

In this session we'll hear from Hesham Tamraz, Director of Technology and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation & Ann Puckett, IT Manager at the Grands Rapid Community Foundation. Speakers will share the essential components of a robust cybersecurity plan during COVID-19, including staff training, cybersecurity policies for working from the office or from home, and tools for secure virtual communication and collaboration. 

How to Register/RSVP: 

 To register, email Anna D'Elia, Manager of Programs and Learning, by Monday, September 28