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Deep Dive: Philanthropy and the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative

Hosting Organization: 
Thursday, March 9, 2023 12:00pm EST
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Join this webinar for an insider’s view of FCAA’s recent data launch: HIV-related philanthropy and the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative (EHE).

In November FCAA launched a new data spotlight and initiative in partnership with AIDSVu that revealed that the majority of HIV-related philanthropy in the U.S. only reaches the top 10 EHE jurisdictions. While the EHE offers a clear opportunity for leverage and alignment between private and public funding to end the HIV epidemic, our data reveals that this isn’t happening in most jurisdictions.

Register today for this deep-dive conversation and help brainstorm how we can collectively utilize this new tool to reach and connect with other funders and help change the trajectory of this data.

How to Register/RSVP: 


Please note: Registration is limited to representatives of private and public funding institutions, as well as National and Regional philanthropy serving organizations, and invited speakers. Your registration will not be approved if your organization does not meet those requirements.