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Evaluation as a Tool for Equity – A Primer on Equitable Evaluation

Hosting Organization: 
Associations Advancing Equitable Evaluation Practices Partnership
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
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Foundations use evaluation — intentionally gathering and analyzing information about programs and impact in order to inform decisions and strategy — to make sure their efforts are forwarding their mission.

While many organizations are applying an equity lens to their work or have explicitly made equity a part of their mission, few have addressed the issue of how evaluation itself can further equity. Who asks the questions? Who owns and interprets the data? Who determines impact? Who benefits from the evaluation findings or recommendations?

This webinar will introduce equitable evaluation (EE), an emerging evaluative paradigm guided by a set of core principles grounded in equity. We will explore how common approaches to evaluation can undermine equity, explain the core principles of equitable evaluation, and share resources to spur your thinking about how your organization could apply equitable evaluation to its work.

Learning objectives:

  • A brief overview of the evolution of evaluation and its relationship to philanthropy
  • The orthodoxies that prevent evaluation from being a tool for equity
  • EE’s core principles
  • The ways organizations are applying EE to their work


  • Anna Cruz, Strategic Learning and Evaluation Officer, The Kresge Foundation
  • Kim Leonard, Senior Research Officer, Oregon Community Foundation
  • Jara Dean-Coffey, Director, Equitable Evaluation Initiative (moderator)

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