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The Exchange 2018

Hosting Organization: 
Social Impact Exchange
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 9:00am to Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 5:00pm EDT
New York, New York
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The 2018 conference theme is How Philanthropy Can Help Lead an Era of Cross-Sector Collaboration.

The conference will address key issues of collaboration and the vital importance of working across sectors, and will combine both knowledge sessions and opportunities for taking direct action. There will be specific issue tracks in educationhealtheconomic mobility, the environment and impact investing. Featured speakers include Hilary Pennington, Executive Vice President for Program, the Ford Foundation; Don Howard, President and CEO, The James Irvine Foundation; Kathleen McLaughlin, Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Walmart Inc., and President, Walmart Foundation, Stephen Heintz, President, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Mandell Crawley, Head of Private Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley; Jeffrey Hollender, Co-Founder and former CEO, Seventh Generation; Hadi Partovi, Founder and CEO, code.orgKyle Peterson, Executive Director, Walton Family Foundation; John Kania, Global Managing Director, FSG; and Alan Alda, renowned actor, writer, and advocate for science communication.

The 2018 Conference will bring together more than 400 high-net-worth donors, foundations, individual philanthropists, wealth advisors, and industry leaders to learn about innovative methods for achieving large-scale impact through multi-sector collaboration. 

Thanks to our collaboration with the Social Impact Exchange, we’re delighted to offer our members a registration discount of almost 50% (Original Price: $1695; Member Discount: $895).

How to Register/RSVP: 

Philanthropy Network Members: To take advantage of this deep discount, please register here and indicate that you were invited by Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, which will automatically generate the discount at checkout. We encourage you to register soon, as space is limited.