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Family Philanthropy Webinar: Trust-Based Family Philanthropy

Hosting Organization: 
Co-hosted by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project and the National Center for Family Philanthropy.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
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Trust-based philanthropy is being embraced by a growing number of family foundations as a way to alleviate power imbalances between funders and grantees while fostering more productive and informative relationships. Driven by the central philosophy that funders should approach grantee relationships as learning partnerships, a trust-based approach encourages multi-year unrestricted funding, streamlined reporting, and transparent and responsive communication.

In this session, participants will hear from leaders of family foundations that have embraced trust-based approaches, how these practices align with each family’s legacy and values, and what it looks like when foundation CEOs and family trustees collaborate to build a culture of trust. Participants will learn about how foundations and grantees both benefit from a trust-based approach, and will have a chance to consider some practical next steps to build more productive and balanced funder-grantee relationships.


  • Ellen Friedman, Compton Foundation

  • Hanh Le, Weissberg Foundation

  • Shaady Salehi, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

  • Sarah Walczyk, Satterberg Foundation

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