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Financial Commons Launch

Hosting Organization: 
Nonprofit Quarterly, Propel Nonprofits, and FMA
Monday, November 30, 2020
1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
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Join this online launch of Financial Commons, an exciting new project designed to provide on-demand financial information to nonprofits of all types and sizes.

The Financial Commons is a collaboration between three longtime informal partners – Nonprofit Quarterly, Propel Nonprofits, and FMA, each with decades of experience in understanding the frameworks, functions, and patterns of nonprofit finances. Each with hundreds of offerings in the form of tools, articles, case studies, and webinars that cover everything from cash flow and budgeting to contract management and downsizing or growth. 

On a larger level, this is a collaboration with nonprofits who must deploy all of this in the field in real time. Join this special complimentary 90-minute launch event where the partners will provide an overview of some of the most progressive and clarifying frameworks for nonprofit strategic management in use at this time and hear from nonprofit leaders faced with sudden and significant change over the past year. We'll be engaging you throughout: polling participants to surface trends and taking your questions and comments for our panelists.

This session is ideal for:

  • Executive Directors/CEOs
  • CFOs
  • Senior staff
  • Capacity builders and consultants
  • Board leaders
How to Register/RSVP: