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Food-Energy Nexus: Climate Opportunities for Cross-Sector Collaboration Online Workshop

Hosting Organization: 
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders
Thursday, September 7, 2023
12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
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Co-hosted with the McKnight Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation, this SAFSF workshop will explore how fossil fuel dependency is holding back food systems transformation, focused on environment, health, and justice. 
Over the past several decades, strategies to reverse climate change have focused on decarbonizing the most emissions-intensive sectors: nearly three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) come from energy use for electricity, heating and transport. Nevertheless, we are expected to surpass the emissions budget to stay within 1.5ºC before the end of this decade due to all the fossil fuel emissions that have accumulated in the atmosphere. While energy use contributes to nearly three-quarters of global GHG emissions, food systems contribute to one-third. While we must continue to advocate for food systems transformation to be a climate priority, it cannot come at the expense of a phase out of fossil fuels. A clean energy transition will not happen without food systems transformation, and vice versa.

Join us to better understand how food systems and energy systems intersect with one another and explore opportunities for synergies and collaboration.  You will hear from Patty Fong from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food on emerging insights from a forthcoming new analysis by the GA and panel reflections from Lisa Tostado (Center for International Environmental Law), Mark Muller (Regenerative Agriculture Foundation) and Michael Bosse (ClimateWorks Foundation). Michael Roberts from McKnight will also provide some context as well. We’ll then want to hear from you on near-term, high impact opportunities for collaboration. We’ll be using inputs from this workshop and others we are organizing in the coming months in our plans for 2024.

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