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Funder Briefing: Taking Early Childhood Education Outdoors - A Strategy for Health and Education Equity for Young Children

Hosting Organization: 
Blue Sky Funders Forum and partners
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
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Meaningful outdoor experiences and learning in early childhood is one way to bridge the opportunity gap in children’s outcomes related to educational success, physical and mental health, and well-being. With new emphasis on early learning, and federal investments becoming available, we have an opportunity to make outdoor learning an essential part of high-quality early childhood education for all young children.

Join peer funders and experts to learn about the critical systems change advancements and approaches for incorporating outdoor experiences and learning in early childhood settings. Focusing on opportunities at the local / site, state, and national levels, we'll outline specific needs for strengthening three core strategies (practice, policy advocacy, and research) and provide concrete ideas for action.

This funder briefing is presented by the Blue Sky Funders Forum, the George B. Storer Foundation, the National Wildlife Federation's Early Childhood Health Outdoors (ECHO), and the Natural Start Alliance.

How to Register/RSVP: 

The event is free and open to funders, registration is required. The session will be recorded.
