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Webinar: Funder Collaboratives: The Potholes, Potentials, and Possibilities

Hosting Organization: 
The Johnson Center at Grand Valley State University
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
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Presented in partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations

Is collaborative funding right for you? Funder collaboratives can leverage skills and networks and can amplify the impact of your grantmaking but they can also face many bumps in the road. Join this webinar to learn about the ingredients of a successful funder collaborative, explore examples of collaborative successes and challenges, and get practical advice as you consider joining, developing or managing a funding collaborative.

Speaker: Jason Franklin, W.K. Kellogg Chair for Community Philanthropy at the Johnson Center for Philanthropy

CMF Members: $35
Non-members: $70

Deadline to register: July 31 @ noon EDT (registration is through CMF)

How to Register/RSVP: 

To register, click here.