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The Future of Care: A Winning Issue for our Democracy, Communities, and Families

Hosting Organization: 
Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
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Join the CARE Fund, Raising Child Care Fund, and Early Childhood Funders Collaborative on Tuesday, October 8th from 2-3:15 PM ET | 11 AM - 12:15 PM PT for a virtual funder briefing hosted by Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation. To address the gap between the care families need and the dignified jobs care workers deserve, a movement has emerged like never before, building power and political muscle to demand bold public investments. Learn about recent polling research that shows how care is a unifier across gender, race, and party identification.  Hear from experts in the field who have direct experience organizing communities to achieve innovative care policies and how you can support this work.  Funders, funder collaboratives and philanthropy serving organizations are invited to join.

Opening remarks: Anna Shireen Wadia, Executive Director, CARE Fund

Moderator: Rachel Schumacher, Director, Raising Child Care Fund, a project of the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative


  • Dom Kelly, Co-Founder, President & CEO, Disabled South
  • Andrea Serrano, Executive Director, OLÉ 
  • Danielle Atkinson, Founding Executive Director, Mothering Justice


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