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Getting the Information You Need: Thoughtful Design Creates Grant Applications That Truly Connect

Hosting Organization: 
Foundant with Exponent Philanthropy
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
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Do your current grant applications bring in the information you expect from applicants? Do they capture what your review team needs to make informed funding decisions? Does the process set grantees up to make an impact?

Submitting and reviewing grant applications can often feel disconnected: applicants are unsure of what information foundations want through the questions, and funders lack what they need to make decisions from the responses.  

Join us to learn what nonprofits would like to see in applications and get tips for crafting grant applications that gather the necessary details that don’t overburden the grantees.

You will learn: 

  • How thoughtful application design reduces applicant confusion, captures significant information for reviewers, and drives more meaningful impact 
  • Common application pitfalls 
  • Top techniques for structuring intuitive questions 
  • Principles for developing applications that meet the needs of both funders and grantees. 
  • Top 5 improvements you can make to your applications that streamline the grant process and spark productive partnerships. 

When grant applications feel like a shared journey instead of a chore, the ripple effects for your foundation, applicants, and grantees can be profound. 


  • Brendan McCormick, Associate Director, Exponent Philanthropy 
  • Kristin Laird, Manager of Marketing Communications, Foundant Technologies 
  • Laura Cochran, GPC, Senior Development Associate, Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership 

The recording will be made available to all registrants.  

How to Register/RSVP: 


This complimentary webinar is sponsored by Foundant.