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Hidden Gems: Funding Long-Term Recovery Groups

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Thursday, August 12, 2021
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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It is often said, “Disasters begin and end locally.” After the major news media, national nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and large funders go home, it is the local community that will be coordinating the years of recovery still to come.

One tool used for this work is the often ignored but desperately needed long-term recovery group (LTRG). Typically pulling from the local Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters membership, LTRGs usually describe themselves as a “recovery coalition,” “unmet needs committee” or “community roundtable.” Whatever they are named, their focus is always similar: LTRGs provide coordinated service to enable everyone in the community – especially marginalized households – to recover stronger than before the disaster.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) is hosting a webinar to explore how philanthropy can build connections between potential partners and boost the capacity of LTRGs after a disaster. We’ll hear from the Disaster Leadership Team, a past CDP grantee partner focusing on helping communities start LTRGs.

While aimed at funders, this webinar may also be helpful for community organizations, government staff and political and faith leaders looking for practical information on setting up and supporting LTRGs including, how they function, funding needs, and how to sponsor and sustain them.

CDP Director of Learning and Partnerships Tanya Gulliver-Garcia will moderate the discussion.


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