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How Philanthropy Can Support and Enhance the Government Response to COVID-19

Hosting Organization: 
Philanthropy California
Thursday, March 12, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
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In the face of COVID-19 outbreaks in California and across the world, philanthropy has an important role to play in supporting community preparedness and response. In order to do so most effectively, it is important to first understand the way the government response is organized, and how philanthropy can support and augment local, state, and federal leadership on this issue.

Building on the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s March 5th webinar on How Philanthropy Can Respond, please join Philanthropy California for a webinar to identify the unmet needs at a range of levels, from your family and organization to your grantees and the broader community. Speakers will share best practices for grantmakers in pandemic preparedness and response while emphasizing community resiliency and support for our most vulnerable community members. 

How to Register/RSVP: 

CLICK HERE to learn more and register.