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Inclusion by Design 2.0: Our Collective Mosaic

Hosting Organization: 
PANO, Alliance for Nonprofit Resources (ANR), and the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP)
Thursday, October 4, 2018 - 8:00am to Friday, October 5, 2018 - 3:00pm EDT
State College, PA
The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center | 215 Innovation Blvd | State College, PA 16803
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Alliance for Nonprofit Resources (ANR)the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (CAAP), and the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) are teaming up again this year to present the 2018 collaborative conference - Inclusion by Design 2.0: Our Collective Mosaic - on October 4 & 5 in State College, PA.

Conference highlights include:

  1. Vu Le - This year, the conference partners are excited to welcome Vu Le to the stage as our keynote speaker on Thursday, October 4. Vu Le, author of blog Nonprofit AF and Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, will focus his talk on Inclusion, Social Justice, and Unleashing the Full Potential of the Nonprofit Sector.
  2. Political Roundup - On Friday, October 5, we welcome Pennsylvania's top political commentators to provide a breakdown of the 2018 midterm elections. Given the social and political tension sweeping our nation since the 2016 election cycle and considering the redrawing of Pennsylvania's U.S. House of Representatives map for 2018, we have assembled a panel of experts to help us untangle the intricacies of this year's general election matchups and the impact these midterm results will have on state and national policy making.
  3. Learn - Choose from 30 workshops that build upon last year's exploration of what inclusion means and why these important concepts are relevant to every organization.
  4. Connect with Old Friends and Make New Ones - Network with your nonprofit colleagues and business partners from around the state.
  5. Celebrate - Celebrate organizations who have achieved PANO's Standards for Excellence Accreditation and Recognition and those who have regained self-sufficiency with CAAP's Self-Sufficiency Awards Ceremony.
How to Register/RSVP: