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Investing ARPA Funds in the Work of Charitable Nonprofits | Promoting Nonprofit-Government PartnershipsUnderstanding (and Securing) New COVID Relief Funds

Hosting Organization: 
National Council of Nonprofits
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
Free National Webinar
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How can your nonprofit access some of the $350 billion that Congress recently allocated for state, local, and Tribal governments to help “households, small businesses, and nonprofits” recover from the pandemic? What types of activities and costs are eligible for funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)? How can nonprofits make sure governments know how important it is to invest in the work of charitable nonprofits in their communities?  The answers to these and many other questions will be provided during this free national webinar.

Brief Background: The ARPA includes $350 billion for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund to provide “assistance to households, small businesses, and nonprofits, or to aid impacted industries” (emphasis added). State, local, and Tribal governments may use the federal funds directly or through others, meaning that charitable nonprofits can be both the recipient of assistance as well as the provider of assistance to others. In practice, charitable organizations are eligible for both direct assistance through grant programs and relief of unemployment costs and contracting burdens, and governments can use the funds to hire nonprofits to expand programs serving the public.

This Webinar: Recognizing that charitable nonprofits and governments are natural partners, serving the same constituents in the same communities, the webinar opens with remarks from Svante Myrick, Mayor of Ithaca, New York, a noted champion of the work of charitable nonprofits. Nonprofit leaders from across the country will share their experiences working with governments and nonprofits to develop effective COVID-related relief programs. All will offer advice and answer questions on how to make the case for investing the ARPA funds in community-based work performed by charitable organizations in partnerships between nonprofits and governments. Learn how to help set the priorities for spending the ARPA funds, consider recommendations for how the spending plans should (and should not) be implemented, and how to make the case for prioritizing the work of nonprofits. Also hear examples of successful approaches that have worked in many parts of the country and can be replicated in your community.

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