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Investing in School Mental Health: Strategies to Wisely Spend Federal and State Funding

Hosting Organization: 
Scattergood Foundation
Thursday, April 25, 2024 12:00pm EDT
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Join Scattergood Foundation for the eighth Think Bigger Do Good webinar featuring paper author Sharon Hoover, Ph.D. of the University of Maryland and Joe Pyle, M.A. of the Scattergood Foundation. They will discuss how resources could be best allocated to facilitate the delivery of effective and comprehensive supports and services to children and adolescents in schools.

Schools are the main delivery sites for youth mental health services. Many districts have adopted comprehensive school mental health systems (CSMHS) to provide a multitiered approach comprising mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention to students via partnerships between school and community health and behavioral health providers. COVID-19 relief funding and other new federal and state investments in school mental health have led to expansions of school mental health programming in most states. An impending federal funding cliff necessitates an examination of how to wisely invest now to achieve the greatest positive future impact on youth mental health.


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