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The Kids Campaign Platform Launch

Hosting Organization: 
The Kids Campaign
Monday, October 23, 2023
4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Columbia North YMCA
1400 North Broad St., Philadelphia PA
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Reducing violence was the number one concern for voters during this year’s mayoral primary in Philadelphia and the Kids Campaign heard this loud and clear.

That’s why the Kids Campaign is releasing a Kids Platform for the 100th mayor that details concrete action steps the mayor can take in YEAR ONE to make our city safer for kids.

Whoever you support as mayor, come to the Kids Campaign Platform Launch. See how making kids S.E.C.U.R.E. - making sure kids have Safety, Education, Careers, Uplift, Recreation, and a healthy Environment - is the answer to violence.

The Kids Campaign is a coalition of 80 plus child-serving organizations in Philadelphia and is part of Every Voice, Every Vote, a collaborative project managed by The Lenfest Institute of Journalism. For more information on the Kids Campaign, what we advanced during the Philadelphia mayoral primary, please visit For more information on Every Voice, Every Vote, visit

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