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Leveling the Playing Field: Philanthropy's Role in Building a More Equitable Philadelphia

Hosting Organization: 
PANO, Regional Foundation Center & Villanova University Department of Public Administration
Thursday, September 9, 2021
10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
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Last September, nearly 200 professionals from Philly’s nonprofit and funding communities gathered (on-screen) for an open dialogue on the future of philanthropy in Philadelphia.

A year after that conversation and more than a year into this pandemic, what have we learned about philanthropy’s role in building a more equitable, just, and inclusive Philadelphia? How is philanthropy evolving to fill that role alongside our nonprofits? What needs to happen to bridge the “intention gap” we’re starting to see with racial equity funding? And how can nonprofits work together with philanthropy to move the needle?

Join PANO, RFC, and Villanova’s Department of Public Administration to discuss all this and more! In this program, we’ll take time to exchange information, learn from one another, share funding goals and ideas, and simply connect.

How to Register/RSVP: