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Local, National, and Intersectional Responses to Addressing Anti-Asian Violence and Building Durable AAPI Immigrant Power

Hosting Organization: 
Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR)
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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The significant and tragic rise of anti-Asian violence in recent weeks has caught the attention of the general public, coordinated and strategic efforts led by AAPI organizations, networks, and coalitions to respond to anti-Asian violence have been in place since before the pandemic began early last year. Those efforts have been born of decades-long organizing and advocacy work, work that has been underfunded and invisibilized. Join GCIR for a conversation with local and national AAPI leaders to learn more not only about the narrative, policy, and solidarity efforts to address anti-Asian violence but also about opportunities to build durable AAPI immigrant power across the country.




How to Register/RSVP: 

Visit GCIR's program page to register by 7:00 pm ET Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Please note that you must log in to your GCIR account to register for this webinar.