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Move the Money: Grantmakers in the Arts & Art.Coop Solidarity Economy Discussion Series - Briefing #5

Hosting Organization: 
Grantmakers in the Arts
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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How can arts & culture grantmaking engage in systems-change work that addresses root causes rather than symptoms of inequity? Grantmakers can play a role in the transformation of the sector by following the lead of BIPOC creatives who are innovating models for self-determination and community wealth.

Co-hosted by Grantmakers in the Arts and Art.Coop, Move the Money is a series of funder discussions in which presenters and movement organizers share example of projects that make tangible the principles laid out in the GIA-commissioned report, Solidarity Not Charity: Arts & Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy, by Natalia Linares & Caroline Woolard from Art.Coop. Join these briefings to learn about opportunities to enact new approaches to grantmaking and investing that shift control to communities.

Briefing Series Schedule & Speakers:

The second in the series will be a discussion with Dr. Jessica Gordon Nembhard, author of Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice, and Gregory Jackson, co-founder of Repaired Nations, on Thursday, January 13th at 2–3pm EST.

The third in the series will be a discussion with Daniel Park of Obvious Agency and Carlos Uriona of Double Edge Theatre on Tuesday, February 8 at  2-3pm EST.

The fourth in the series will be a discussion with Aisha Shillingford of Intelligent Mischief on Tuesday, March 8 at  2-3pm EST.

The fifth and final discussion in the series will be with Carlton Turner, founder, Mississippi Center for Cultural Production and Allen Kwabena Frimpong, co-founder, ZEAL & Liberation Ventures on Wednesday, April 13 at 2-3pm EDT.

How to Register/RSVP: 


Registration is free, limited, and first-come-first served.