Hosting Organization:
Nonprofit Issues®
Thursday, December 16, 2021
1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
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As nonprofits begin to get back to more "normal” modes of operations, from changes in governance to changes in legal requirements, it has been a tumultuous year for nonprofit legal issues. Join Nonprofit Issues® editor Don Kramer for his annual review of the year in nonprofit law.
Among the topics Don will discuss are:
- New concerns about governance.
- Funding reaction to COVID.
- A changed attitude toward nonprofits in Congress.
- Donor Advised Funds, where courts continue to uphold rights of sponsors while critics propose significant new legislation to speed up distributions to operating charities.
- Charitable solicitation law, where Schedule B can no longer be required for registration and California begins the process of regulating “Fundraising Platforms.”
- The status of organizations under siege, like the National Rifle Association and the Boy Scouts of America.
- The role of a “Corporation Sole” in the nonprofit world.
- An expansion of the “ministerial exception” in employment law.
- The definition of a “disqualified person” in an excess benefit case.
And much more.
Registration fee:
Regular Price:$89.00
Subscriber Price:$75.65
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