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Out-of-School Time Funders Meeting: Community Collaborations for Collective Impact – A Continuing Conversation

Thursday, May 11, 2017
8:30am - 10:00am EDT
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Philadelphia, PA
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia 230 South Broad Street, Suite 402 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

Continuing our conversation regarding the importance of the out-of-school time programming for children and youth, this meeting will focus on the City of Philadelphia’s efforts to build a strong sense of government and community partnerships for the delivery and accountability of OST initiatives.

Out-of-school programs encompass a wide array of funding areas, including Arts, Sports, Food/Nutrition, Academic, and Leadership Development, and many have common threads and share best practices involved with their offering and delivery services. OST collaborations can be an effective approach to enhancing and strengthening the communities by providing young people with activities that promote health, well-being and achievement.

This information session is geared towards engaging funders who have an interest in the OST mission in a dialogue around our commonalities and to see if there are opportunities for us to convene to share best practices and resources that resonate across individual interest areas.

Featured Presenters:

  • Christine Piven, PhD, Chief of Staff, Community & Culture, Office of the Deputy Managing Director, City of Philadelphia, will speak on the Logic Model and Operational Plan initiatives orchestrated by the City to ensure OST program deliveries adhere to best practice measures. 
  • Beth Divine, Executive Director, PYSC (Philadelphia Youth Sports Collaborative), will speak on the mission of the group in areas of advocacy, programming and metrics. 
  • Michael Norris, Vice President External Relations, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, will speak on the strengths of collaborations among similar funders


During this session we will engage in an open discussion about moving forward as a group and sharing our collective messaging, advocacy and funding.

Whether your organization funds after school arts programs, sports-based youth development programs, academic enrichment, or other programs that support positive youth development outside of school time, we encourage you to join us for this session.

Coffee and light breakfast will be provided.