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Philanthropy for Democracy: Exploring Foundation Support for U.S. Democracy

Hosting Organization: 
Foundation Center
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
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In light of shrinking government budgets, an increase in extreme wealth, and stories raising the alarm about threats to American democracy, how are foundations engaging with U.S. democracy? The simple answer is: in many ways! Foundation Center, in partnership with eight foundations, developed the Foundation Funding for U.S. Democracy data visualization platform to help answer this question. Join the Foundation Center on Wednesday, August 2 at 1 PM ET for an online tour of this publicly available tool that captures the range of democracy-related activities that foundations have supported from 2011 to present.

The content of this webinar will focus on:

  • Explaining the framework used to represent democracy funding in the tool
  • Highlighting the features, filters, and search functionalities of the data platform
  • Exploring specific use cases for the data
How to Register/RSVP: 

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