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Purpose-Driven Board Leadership: Reconceiving Foundation Governance

Hosting Organization: 
Center for Effective Philanthropy with BoardSource
Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:00pm EDT
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In a recent SSIR article, “The Four Principles of Purpose-Driven Board Leadership,” BoardSource’s CEO, Anne Wallestad, calls for a reset on board leadership and offers a new framework for consideration. Join CEP and BoardSource for a conversation about the implications for foundation board governance, which will build on some of the ideas outlined by CEP’s CEO, Phil Buchanan in his recent blog. The webinar will begin with a discussion between Anne and Phil of the four principles outlined in the article and perspectives on what they mean for foundations. The conversation will then expand to include a lively discussion between Anne, Phil, longtime foundation board member Kofi Appenteng, currently of the Hilton Foundation, and Barr Foundation president and trustee Jim Canales.


  • Anne Wallestad, President & CEO, BoardSource
  • Phil Buchanan, President & CEO, Center for Effective Philanthropy
  • Kofi Appenteng, Trustee, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
  • Jim Canales, President & Trustee, Barr Foundation
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