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The Spectrum of Nonprofit Financing Options: Session Five

Hosting Organization: 
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 5:15am EST
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The Emergence of Pay for Success Funding

At a time when everyone is being asked to do more with less, innovators around the world are seeking cost-effective solutions that can deliver better social outcomes for their communities. Pay for Success (PFS) is one such strategy: across the country, investments are increasingly being made in interventions that can demonstrate success in delivering social and economic outcomes for individuals, families, and communities most in need. NFF has emerged as a critical voice in this space: moderating the hub, facilitating readiness incubators, and preparing organizations for the transactional process.  In this 60-minute session, we’ll offer a brief history of PFS, and proceed to learn about the ways in which Pay For Success Financing works to connect performance outcomes to financial return, steps that organizations can take to prepare themselves to engage with PFS funding models, and a survey of the current PFS field.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Follow this link to register.

Attention Philanthropy Network Members:  Under “Other Information”, be sure to select our name from the drop-down referral list. Webinar packages are offered at a discount of 15%, or to purchase individual webinars, enter the promotional code SAVE10 for a 10% discount. Registration includes access to both the live broadcast, and afterwards, a link to the recording and slides.