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The Spectrum of Nonprofit Financing Options: Session Four

Hosting Organization: 
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 5:30am EDT
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Understanding New Markets Tax Credits

The NMTC program, administered by the CDFI Fund of the US Treasury Department, uses tax credits to attract private investment to low-income communities. By allocating these tax credits on behalf of the government, qualified intermediaries can make flexible financing available to nonprofit borrowers in these communities. While the structuring can be complex, NMTC deals have helped finance health centers, theatres, charter schools, and food banks in communities where they are needed. Join NFF for a 60-minute webinar that explains the requirements for successful participation in a NMTC transaction.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Follow this link to register.

Attention Philanthropy Network Members:  Under “Other Information”, be sure to select our name from the drop-down referral list. Webinar packages are offered at a discount of 15%, or to purchase individual webinars, enter the promotional code SAVE10 for a 10% discount. Registration includes access to both the live broadcast, and afterwards, a link to the recording and slides.